Learning Dropbox

I have completed Learning Dropbox. LinkedIn Learning (formerly Lynda.com) offers this online video-based training opportunity.

LinkedIn Learning

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Dropbox is a file hosting service that offers cloud storage, file synchronization, personal cloud, and client software. Dropbox brings files together in one central place by creating a special folder on the user’s computer. The contents of these folders are synchronized to Dropbox’s servers and to other computers and devices where the user has installed Dropbox, keeping the same files up-to-date on all devices.

Learning Dropbox Topics Include:

  • Identify the main purpose of Dropbox.
  • Describe the benefits of cloud storage.
  • Discover two methods used to safeguard your confidential files.
  • Explain how Dropbox can be used for version control.
  • Recognize features that allow file-sharing with users outside of Dropbox.
  • Practice quick, convenient ways to share photos and videos.

This training opportunity is a supplement to our typical HTML5 Brunch offerings.

If you would like to learn Dropbox and other technologies as part of a group of like-minded web developers, join Boston PHP Meetup and sign up for one of our upcoming virtual self-study groups.

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