Basics of Scrum, Agile and Project Delivery

Basics of Scrum, Agile and Project Delivery is a video-based course offered by Udemy. This educational opportunity is endorsed by the self-study group initiative at Boston PHP Meetup. It is a supplement to our Agile Appetizer offerings.

Basics of Scrum, Agile and Project Delivery

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Course Summary

Basics of Scrum, Agile and Project Delivery contains video lectures on all aspects of Scrum. The Scrum Body of Knowledge (SBOK Guide) is referenced to help you implement scrum in your projects. Take this course to learn about key concepts in Scrum as defined in the SBOKā„¢ Guide; and to get a basic understanding of how Scrum framework works in delivering successful projects.

Course Content

  • Introduction to Scrum
  • Overview of Scrum
  • History of Scrum
  • Why Use Scrum
  • Scalability of Scrum
  • Purpose of SBOK
  • Framework of SBOK
  • How to Use SBOK
  • Scrum Principles
  • Scrum Aspects
  • Scrum Processes
  • Scrum vs. Traditional Project Management

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Boston PHP

Boston PHP is the largest education-focused Meetup in New England with more than 3,700 members. Our mission is to engage members in continuing education efforts. As a result, we offer services beyond in-person meetups. A cornerstone of our member engagement strategy is this virtual self-study group initiative called Web Apprentices.

If you would like to learn agile methodologies as part of a group of like-minded web developers, join Boston PHP Meetup and sign up for the next Agile Appetizer self-study group.

Gene Babon

Gene Babon is a team leader, project manager and web developer who is actively seeking next management-level opportunity. Learn more at Pick a lane. Keep driving.

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